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With my teammates Laura Fayard & Alexandre De Smet, we proposed a Game idea that had been chosen as one of the 6 projects for our Final Year Project, at E-artsup Lyon!


In Notemp'o, you play as Sofia, a scientist studying time during the year 2107, who has had her research stolen and her husband kidnapped by a man named Federico. She will have to investigate all over Italy with her prototypes, being wary of the time anomalies created by them.


With its mix of time and investigation, Isola Festival, the vertical slice of NoTemp'o, was challenging to design and develop but also very exciting!

Take a Look!


You can test the game here!



My role in the project?

As the Creative Director of the team, my role in the project was to create coherence and consistency when it takes to Game Design, Level Design and Narrative Design.


Level Design - Isola Festival

Designing the place of Isola Festival was a real challenge, in a way that the level should be 

- An immersive & realistic space, that depicts a coherent place for the NPCs

- A timed-driven level!

- A first person investigation and stealth level!



Narrative Design

Technological and scientific advancement, capitalism, passionate loves, and duality...


A strange period to live in Italy in 2107.


Gallery and Art Direction

With our incredible team of  Game Artists, the world of NoTemp'o and more particularly the level of Isola Festival, has been particularly worked and detailed, to depict a coherent and consistent world... 

Hope you like it!



The Team behind NoTemp'o

Behind any game, there's always a great team of enthusiasts! If you'd like to find out more about each person's role, don't hesitate to take a look!

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